3 Ways to Feel Like a Beast, Even if You aren’t one
Sitting at home, you stare at the same screen, watching another mind-numbing video, eating some junk-food or something, while you linger there in some sort of self-inflicted mediocrity. You don’t like yourself all that much, but you’re comfortable in this place. You might start to wonder after time whether you could be better, more than you are currently, and tune in to the beast that lies within. Positive life change starts with small habits, and oftentimes the feeling of good progress is more important than the accomplishment of the goal itself. That’s why I recommend you do the following, if you aren’t already.
Go to the Gym, even if you have no idea what the heck you’re doing
Maybe you workout regularly, and are gaining some decent muscle, but perhaps you have no idea what a bench press is or what a deadlift even looks like. Try this. Just walk into the gym for 5 minutes, less if you want, and do some dumbell curls. I mean, you’ve probably done those at least once in your life (if not just use YouTube my dude). Do that for a week, and you’ll probably feel your biceps growing even if they’re really not. The point? The mindset shift. Now you go from not going to the gym, to going to the gym, and that’s a big thing. Then you see some guy benching like 300 pounds, and then you want to do that too. So, you go and learn what that bench press is all about, and you start doing it, too. You’ll notice that even though you’re not any bigger, you’ll feel bigger, and maybe that’s all that really even matters.
2. Take that Cold Shower, because you’ll feel cool (terrible pun intended)
Ah yes, nothing like this hilarious life-hack that’s taken the internet by storm. Who cares about the science or lack thereof, taking that cold shower will supercharge your willpower, and your self-worth too. Just the act of plunging into the deep is a step to conquering your other fears. You might even laugh as your hyperventilating in the cold, when you realize how stupid it was to be afraid of this. Then you’ll see that your comforts held you prisoner, and your doubts were kind of stupid. Then you’ll think how stupid it is to be afraid of talking to that girl, to speaking up in your class, or anything for that matter. Maybe you’ll actually start to face some of those fears.
3. Talk to New People, Even if they don’t like you
Maybe you’re annoying, or unattractive, or just bothersome to yourself. Well, maybe if you started talking to some new people you would find those flaws in your personality that you hide from yourself and start to correct them. Perhaps people will start to like you better as your social skills improve. As you accept awkward situations and embarrassing moments, you’ll start to laugh at yourself more-and love yourself more. You’ll learn to hold your own, at least decently. You’ll be able to say hi to people at school, work, or the gym. You’ll have that recurring dopamine boost that comes from social interaction, even at its most simplistic level, and that can be huge for one stuck in habits of negativity.
So try these out you slackers, and you might find a better version of yourself in a week, a month, or six months. The great thing about these habits is that they make other disciplines easier, and are a great boost to energy and emotional health, physical and spiritual. You may not become a beast, but you might feel like one.